The GRIT Hall of Fame
They overcame the challenge with GRIT
True GRIT Finishers
These are the riders with ultimate GRIT that have completed the GRIT rides on schedule, on course and without any support except that which naturally exists along the route. They also spent at least 3 nights sleeping in the wild while en route. They are the toughest of the tough.
#1 Steve Taylor
GRIT#1 True GRIT Finisher-2016
“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T. S. Eliot
As hard is it is to just finish, Steve far exceeded the requirements. Steve managed to ride 465 trail-miles within the 7 day True GRIT limit. He did this by at least attempting every special test option, except one. Then during a fire reroute, he made the gutsy move to add in 2 custom trail sections, unknown to him until he rode them. Steve would attempt every trail, even when they were reported as tree blocked. He did this all solo and self supported. Amazing demonstration of True Guts, Resolve, Intelligence and Toughness. Congratulations Steve! Trip Photo Album Here
Trail Miles = 465, > Total Miles = 1475, Duration = 6 days, 15 hours, 12min,
Moving Time = 64.5hrs total/9.2hrs per day average. Enroute Clock Time = 89.4hrs total/ 12.8 hrs per day average
#2 Dave Wonderly
GRIT#1 True GRIT Finisher-2016
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but an Adventure to be lived.”
Team “RADS Lost in Idaho”, far exceeded the requirements by riding 465 miles of trail, taking on all but 3 special tests, adding lengthy custom trails including one custom trail worthy of special test status. As if that wasn’t enough, they camped 4 nights along the trail. They overcame injured riders, fires, tree fall, broken wheel, night riding, and bad food. They are a prime example of True Guts, Resolve, Intelligence and Toughness. Expedition stats are:
Trail miles: 465, Total Distance: 1345 (to the border)
Total Time: 6 Days, 7hr 19min, Moving time: 59hrs 28min, Enroute time: 86hrs 13min
Average moving speed: 23mph, Average speed: 15mph
Max Elev: 9604ft, Min Elev: 1257ft, Total Vertical Accent: 186,981ft
Trip Report Link:
#3 Jesse Beck
GRIT#1 True GRIT Finisher-2016
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but an Adventure to be lived.”
Team “RADS Lost in Idaho”, far exceeded the requirements by riding 465 miles of trail, taking on all but 3 special tests, adding lengthy custom trails including one custom trail worthy of special test status. As if that wasn’t enough, they camped 4 nights along the trail. They overcame injured riders, fires, tree fall, broken wheel, night riding, and bad food. They are a prime example of True Guts, Resolve, Intelligence and Toughness. Expedition stats are:
Trail miles: 465, Total Distance: 1345 (to the border)
Total Time: 6 Days, 7hr 19min, Moving time: 59hrs 28min, Enroute time: 86hrs 13min
Average moving speed: 23mph, Average speed: 15mph
Max Elev: 9604ft, Min Elev: 1257ft, Total Vertical Accent: 186,981ft
Trip Report Link:
#4 Vit Hradecky
GRIT#1 True GRIT Finisher-2019
“Do More Things That Make You Forget To Check Your Phone”
The Veet met the True GRIT challenge. He pulled off GRIT1 with more than enough trail miles(105%), within the allotted 7 days, with 3 special test, and camping all along the way. He defeated 421 miles of challenging trail along the way with tree fall and fire reroutes. He slammed dunked a major issue mid ride losing his phone/gps at 7:30AM. He managed to ride 40 miles into town, buy and setup a new smart phone with nav…. Then get back on the trail and ride another 110 miles with 36 miles of trail including the strenuous Patrick Butte special test. All in the same day! Wow. What a ride.
#5 Greg Young
GRIT#1 True GRIT Finisher-2019
“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Sir Edmund Hillary
They were exhausted and discouraged after the Stage 5 wheel bearing failures and had to skip major sections of trail to make their next motel stop that day. But managed to dig deep, stay tough and ride more special test miles to make up the trail miles lost. They rode 75 more trail miles total in 7 special tests along the route, which are generally harder then those miles they missed on Stage 5. They also carried a chainsaw the whole way and cleared trail for themselves and future riders.
#1 Dave Wonderly
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2018
“Life kicks you around sometimes. It scares you and it beats you up. But there’s one day when you realize you’re not just a survivor, you’re a fighter. You’re tougher than anything life throws your way.”
GRIT2+GRIT3 Combo…2126 miles total, 14 days of riding, one broken ball end off a front brake lever, one missing fastener, one bruised toe, four sore hands, 4 and 1/2 sets of tires, 5 oil changes, so much fun. It seemed like a unrealistic pipe dream two weeks ago. Picture Album HERE
#2 Jon Csakany
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2018
“Life kicks you around sometimes. It scares you and it beats you up. But there’s one day when you realize you’re not just a survivor, you’re a fighter. You’re tougher than anything life throws your way.”
GRIT2+GRIT3 Combo…2126 miles total, 14 days of riding, one broken ball end off a front brake lever, one missing fastener, one bruised toe, four sore hands, 4 and 1/2 sets of tires, 5 oil changes, so much fun. It seemed like a unrealistic pipe dream two weeks ago.
#3 Paul Thacker
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2020
“Life Is One Great Adventure”
Team “SoloYolo”, Paul Thacker, completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 in solo True GRIT style. And he did it almost flawlessly. He was exceptionally well prepared in mind, body, bike and gear. He even performed several good deeds along the way, clearing trails to leave it better than he found it, helping other riders he met to fix bikes and leaving those he encountered along the way, feeling better than when he arrived. He rode with the focus and skill to defeat the vast multitude of trail obstacles with minimal mishap. Had the guts to ride solo, the intelligence and toughness to carry a chainsaw, and the resolve to stay on the course and schedule with an automated spreadsheet that a race team manager would admire. Paul is a role model for how to R’Idaho!
See trip report here:…/1Sw6v4EpHP5BI4ODrXysu…/edit…
Stats: 792 total miles over 5 days, 276 trail miles plus 20 trail-miles credit for sawing, 2+ Special Tests. 46 hours of moving time, 107,000 ft of elevation change
#4 Jake Simmons
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2020
“Life was made for good friends and great adventures”
Team Dirt Surfers knows how to have a great time, while working together to accomplish the goal they were all prepared for. They completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 with a range of finishers status’s, but all won the reward of treasured memories and bonding comradery. The large group of 7 skilled and hard working riders overcame the lush, rugged trails of Northern Idaho, bike breakdowns (Rimlock repair Patent Pending), sidehill launches and a range of skill levels. They helped each other, but also split apart at times to scale the difficulty to each man’s limits. The larger the group, the more likely for problems, and this was the largest R’Idaho group to ever include True GRIT finishers. Well done, Guys!
See more pics and the travel log post here:
Stats: ~806 total miles over 5 days, 313 Trail Miles
#5 Rick Young
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2020
“Life was made for good friends and great adventures”
Team Dirt Surfers knows how to have a great time, while working together to accomplish the goal they were all prepared for. They completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 with a range of finishers status’s, but all won the reward of treasured memories and bonding comradery. The large group of 7 skilled and hard working riders overcame the lush, rugged trails of Northern Idaho, bike breakdowns (Rimlock repair Patent Pending), sidehill launches and a range of skill levels. They helped each other, but also split apart at times to scale the difficulty to each man’s limits. The larger the group, the more likely for problems, and this was the largest R’Idaho group to ever include True GRIT finishers. Well done, Guys!
See more pics and the travel log post here:
Stats: ~806 total miles over 5 days, 313 Trail Miles
#6 Derek Morris
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2020
“Life was made for good friends and great adventures”
Team Dirt Surfers knows how to have a great time, while working together to accomplish the goal they were all prepared for. They completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 with a range of finishers status’s, but all won the reward of treasured memories and bonding comradery. The large group of 7 skilled and hard working riders overcame the lush, rugged trails of Northern Idaho, bike breakdowns (Rimlock repair Patent Pending), sidehill launches and a range of skill levels. They helped each other, but also split apart at times to scale the difficulty to each man’s limits. The larger the group, the more likely for problems, and this was the largest R’Idaho group to ever include True GRIT finishers. Well done, Guys!
See more pics and the travel log post here:
Stats: ~806 total miles over 5 days, 294 Trail Miles
#7 Tom Shivers
GRIT#2 True GRIT Finisher-2020
“Life was made for good friends and great adventures”
Team Dirt Surfers knows how to have a great time, while working together to accomplish the goal they were all prepared for. They completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 with a range of finishers status’s, but all won the reward of treasured memories and bonding comradery. The large group of 7 skilled and hard working riders overcame the lush, rugged trails of Northern Idaho, bike breakdowns (Rimlock repair Patent Pending), sidehill launches and a range of skill levels. They helped each other, but also split apart at times to scale the difficulty to each man’s limits. The larger the group, the more likely for problems, and this was the largest R’Idaho group to ever include True GRIT finishers. Well done, Guys!
See more pics and the travel log post here:
Stats: ~806 total miles over 5 days, 282 Trail Miles
#1 Sean Cowan
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2018
The first True GRIT finishers for The Great R’Idaho Trail #3 (aka “Idaho 500”). Sean Cowan and Mike Powell took on the gnarliest and most trail dense route of it’s kind. For perspective, they rode enough trail miles in 5 days to qualify as a GRIT#1 finishers over 7 days…and GRIT3 trails are far tougher overall. They took on the route straight up, cut out 40-50 trees along the way, beat the advanced special tests, had some problems, then added 12 extra trail miles at the end of the last day….and had the character to do it all smiling. They have set the bar high as role models of True GRIT on GRIT#3.
Their ride stats are as follows:
-5 days riding
-Ride time: 63hrs,09min
-Moving time: 38hrs,12min (Note: phone GPS apps tend to underestimate this)
-621 total miles (570 std)
-369 Trail Miles (332 std) (Includes bonus@+9trail-miles Cinnabar +20trail-miles for sawing)
#2 Mike Powell
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2018
The first True GRIT finishers for The Great R’Idaho Trail #3 (aka “Idaho 500”). Sean Cowan and Mike Powell took on the gnarliest and most trail dense route of it’s kind. For perspective, they rode enough trail miles in 5 days to qualify as a GRIT#1 finishers over 7 days…and GRIT3 trails are far tougher overall. They took on the route straight up, cut out 40-50 trees along the way, beat the advanced special tests, had some problems, then added 12 extra trail miles at the end of the last day….and had the character to do it all smiling. They have set the bar high as role models of True GRIT on GRIT#3.
Their ride stats are as follows:
-5 days riding
-Ride time: 63hrs,09min
-Moving time: 38hrs,12min (Note: phone GPS apps tend to underestimate this)
-621 total miles (570 std)
-369 Trail Miles (332 std) (Includes bonus@+9trail-miles Cinnabar +20trail-miles for sawing)
#3 Joe Broski
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2019
“You have a choice! You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face!”
Team 3 Gritty Amigos has pulled off an amazing True GRIT style finish of GRIT3. This is the toughest trail route and they did it head on, taking on all of the toughest special tests, clearing trail with chainsaw, and rough camping all along the way. These guys are truly 3 GRITTY Amigos. Be sure to check out their fun trip report here.
Chad and Scott scored 364 trail miles for 110% of standard. While Joe Broski scored 331 trail miles for 100% of standard. Joe hit his limit at times, but never gave up. He also carried the chainsaw and they all camped 4 nights to achieve the special test requirements for True GRIT finish with 650 miles total over 5 days.
#4 Chad Hummer
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2019
“You have a choice! You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face!”
Team 3 Gritty Amigos has pulled off an amazing True GRIT style finish of GRIT3. This is the toughest trail route and they did it head on, taking on all of the toughest special tests, clearing trail with chainsaw, and rough camping all along the way. These guys are truly 3 GRITTY Amigos. Be sure to check out their fun trip report here.
Chad and Scott scored 364 trail miles for 110% of standard. While Joe Broski scored 331 trail miles for 100% of standard. Joe hit his limit at times, but never gave up. He also carried the chainsaw and they all camped 4 nights to achieve the special test requirements for True GRIT finish with 650 miles total over 5 days.
#5 Scott Maiden
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2019
“You have a choice! You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face!”
Team 3 Gritty Amigos has pulled off an amazing True GRIT style finish of GRIT3. This is the toughest trail route and they did it head on, taking on all of the toughest special tests, clearing trail with chainsaw, and rough camping all along the way. These guys are truly 3 GRITTY Amigos. Be sure to check out their fun trip report here.
Chad and Scott scored 364 trail miles for 110% of standard. While Joe Broski scored 331 trail miles for 100% of standard. Joe hit his limit at times, but never gave up. He also carried the chainsaw and they all camped 4 nights to achieve the special test requirements for True GRIT finish with 650 miles total over 5 days.
#6 Wiles Stapp
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2019
“I’m worried that there’s been a serious error in planning, because our trip starts next week, 8/10-18”-Team Joke
Wiles is one skilled, athletic off-road rider that chose to take on the toughest trails in the route, all while camping. He speed also made it look easy in record short moving time. He scored a record breaking 372 trail miles plus the 45 trail miles of bonus loop trail day that included 15 miles of recently burned out “Struggle Bus” trail that threw downed trees and disappearing trail at them for 5 hours. But he did not stop on the to 626 total miles of main route. An awesome example of a true moto adventurer. The new reigning GRIT3 True GRIT champion!
#7 Jon-Pierre Stoermer
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2020
#8 Sean Smith

Congratulations Sean and Jon-Pierre on showing what True GRIT can look like!
#9 John Sedberry

“Without knowing the scores and at that time not really caring, it was simply about two dudes digging deep and having the adventure of a lifetime on dirt bikes.”–Team Gorilla trip report
Team Gorilla (John Sedberry, and Andy Nichols) have broken GRIT3 trail mile records with 371 trail miles in only 4 days for a True GRIT finish! We saw an amazing performance of preparation, skills and endurance from these two Gorillas that were looking for redemption, and earned it with glory. They took on the tough guy GRIT#3 route, riding most special tests, and camping every night after a strict 12 hour day riding schedule where they just kept moving. Averaging 93 rugged trail miles per day. This was a great recipe for showing what can be accomplished when you are committed.
4 days, 621 total miles, 371 trail-miles + 10 miles trail sawing credit, camping every night.
#10 Andy Nichols

“Without knowing the scores and at that time not really caring, it was simply about two dudes digging deep and having the adventure of a lifetime on dirt bikes.”–Team Gorilla trip report
Team Gorilla (John Sedberry, and Andy Nichols) have broken GRIT3 trail mile records with 371 trail miles in only 4 days for a True GRIT finish! We saw an amazing performance of preparation, skills and endurance from these two Gorillas that were looking for redemption, and earned it with glory. They took on the tough guy GRIT#3 route, riding most special tests, and camping every night after a strict 12 hour day riding schedule where they just kept moving. Averaging 93 rugged trail miles per day. This was a great recipe for showing what can be accomplished when you are committed.
4 days, 621 total miles, 371 trail-miles + 10 miles trail sawing credit, camping every night.
#11 Dave Wonderly

“Full Commitment, Ride Like You Mean It, Ride Like You Know How, Don’t Ride Faster Then You Can See. Have Fun. “-Dave Wonderly
A record shattering True GRIT finish of The Great R’Idaho Trail #3 by Team Lost In…Dave Wonderly. He stayed true to the rules, but enhanced the GRIT3 route to his world class level and achieved a 545 trail-mile score in 5 days (with 8 mile Cinnabar double credit and 10 miles of trail sawing credit). For perspective, the previous GRIT3 record was in the 370’s trail mile range, and the 7 day GRIT1 is in the 465 trail-mile, which he also co-holds. This record was achieved with a major mechanical breakdown, a spectacular crash, camping along the way, and the usual relentless trail obstacles and fatigue. Always the ride leader, teacher and motivation fountain…Dave does all this super human achievement in the spirit of adventure fun. With no race to win, prize money, or cheering fans at the finish line. Just out to explore his limits as a young man over 60, based on a commitment and his idea of fun. Dave is an inspiration and truly The Legend.
Trip Thread Here
#12 Kalyn Benaroya
Kalyn Benaroya, Dayne Toney, Kate Schade, and Courtney Feldt are the first all female True GRIT finishers of the Great R’Idaho Trail #3! Team R’Idahoes showed what True Excellence looks like. I saw meticulous preparation based on our detailed interactions. Then they showed disciplined decision making and high talent riding skills on some gnarly tough trails over 5 long days. All with an enthusiastic, but serious attitude to achieve a successful True GRIT finish of the GRIT#3. For this group of our first ever Gold standard ladies, we should make a modified acronym for Guts, Resolve, Excellence, Attitude and Toughness. They are Truly GREAT.
#13 Dayne Toney
Kalyn Benaroya, Dayne Toney, Kate Schade, and Courtney Feldt are the first all female True GRIT finishers of the Great R’Idaho Trail #3! Team R’Idahoes showed what True Excellence looks like. I saw meticulous preparation based on our detailed interactions. Then they showed disciplined decision making and high talent riding skills on some gnarly tough trails over 5 long days. All with an enthusiastic, but serious attitude to achieve a successful True GRIT finish of the GRIT#3. For this group of our first ever Gold standard ladies, we should make a modified acronym for Guts, Resolve, Excellence, Attitude and Toughness. They are Truly GREAT.
#14 Kate Schade
Kalyn Benaroya, Dayne Toney, Kate Schade, and Courtney Feldt are the first all female True GRIT finishers of the Great R’Idaho Trail #3! Team R’Idahoes showed what True Excellence looks like. I saw meticulous preparation based on our detailed interactions. Then they showed disciplined decision making and high talent riding skills on some gnarly tough trails over 5 long days. All with an enthusiastic, but serious attitude to achieve a successful True GRIT finish of the GRIT#3. For this group of our first ever Gold standard ladies, we should make a modified acronym for Guts, Resolve, Excellence, Attitude and Toughness. They are Truly GREAT.
#15 Courtney Feldt
Kalyn Benaroya, Dayne Toney, Kate Schade, and Courtney Feldt are the first all female True GRIT finishers of the Great R’Idaho Trail #3! Team R’Idahoes showed what True Excellence looks like. I saw meticulous preparation based on our detailed interactions. Then they showed disciplined decision making and high talent riding skills on some gnarly tough trails over 5 long days. All with an enthusiastic, but serious attitude to achieve a successful True GRIT finish of the GRIT#3. For this group of our first ever Gold standard ladies, we should make a modified acronym for Guts, Resolve, Excellence, Attitude and Toughness. They are Truly GREAT.
#16 Aron Procuniar
#17 Weston Wells
#18 Spencer Taylor
#19 Team Nasty

Kyle Williams
Jason Stewart
Mike Wilson
Todd Lambert
Cole Lambert
Landon Stevenson
=Team Nasty
Stats: 420 Trail Miles with 6 Special Tests!
#20 Sean MacNee

Stats: 356 Trail Miles with 3 Special Tests plus 4 nights camping along the trail!
#21 Team Armadillo

David Powell (KTM 300XC-W TPI)
Scott Bailey (YZ250FX)
Cooper Bailey (YZ250X)
Zak McCallum (CRF450RX)
Gary Walkup (KTM 300XC-W TPI)
=Team Armadillo
Stats: 376 Trail Miles with 5 Special Tests!
#22 Mike Boughton
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2023
Stats: 435 Trail Miles with Loads of Special Tests! 2nd greatest Trail Miles for a GRIT#3 RIde!
#23 Tye Tabor
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2023
Stats: 435 Trail Miles with Loads of Special Tests! 2nd greatest Trail Miles for a GRIT#3 RIde!
#24 Paul Thacker
GRIT#3 True GRIT Finisher-2023
Stats: 346 Trail Miles with 3.5 hours of trail clearing and camping along the trail. Hard fought Solo Battle!
Ride Thread HERE
#1P Sean Cowan

Like a true Pioneer, Team 2-Click made the gutsy and somewhat costly decision to be the first ever to start this GRIT1 trek. Sean and his XL650 may hold the record for heaviest bike to finish the trek indefinitely, at over 360lbs. In addition to the trail obstacles, logs and fatigue challenges, they also overcame some serious mechanical problems along the route including a broken clutch cable, bad oil consumption developing on the XL650, and very tough starting (sagged valves?) on the CRF450x. The clutch cable repair cost them a down day and they had to tow and bump start the CRF at times. All of which tested their Resolve. 364 Trail Miles, 1339 Total Miles, 7 days, 10hours, 57min
#3P Matt Groll

“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Sir Edmund Hillary
They were exhausted and discouraged after the Stage 5 wheel bearing failures and had to skip major sections of trail to make their next motel stop that day. But managed to dig deep, stay tough and ride more special test miles to make up the trail miles lost. They rode 75 more trail miles total in 7 special tests along the route, which are generally harder then those miles they missed on Stage 5. They also carried a chainsaw the whole way and cleared trail for themselves and future riders.
#5P Jake Simmons
#7P Steve Monk
#9P Connel Petterson
#11P Carter McMasters

“The desert is gnarly.” Awesome Father-Son team effort.
#2P Mike Powell

Like a true Pioneer, Team 2-Click made the gutsy and somewhat costly decision to be the first ever to start this GRIT1 trek. In addition to the trail obstacles, logs and fatigue challenges, they also overcame some serious mechanical problems along the route including a broken clutch cable, bad oil consumption developing on the XL650, and very tough starting (sagged valves?) on the CRF450x. The clutch cable repair cost them a down day and they had to tow and bump start the CRF at times. All of which tested their Resolve. 364 Trail Miles, 1339 Total Miles, 7 days, 10hours, 57min
#4P Paul Thacker

“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Sir Edmund Hillary
They were exhausted and discouraged after the Stage 5 wheel bearing failures and had to skip major sections of trail to make their next motel stop that day. But managed to dig deep, stay tough and ride more special test miles to make up the trail miles lost. They rode 75 more trail miles total in 7 special tests along the route, which are generally harder then those miles they missed on Stage 5. They also carried a chainsaw the whole way and cleared trail for themselves and future riders.
#6P Rick Young
#8P Shawn Reddish
#10P Nathan McMasters

” It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and we really gave it our all. We made it to the border! ” Awesome Father-Son team effort.
#1P Matt Groll

Matt Groll of Team FUBAR (Fat, Ugly, Balding Aged Riders) blazed the Northern Loop route as the first finishers of GRIT#2. They literally had to blaze trail with 6 hours of handsaw trail clearing that will exhaust the hardiest pioneer over the first 3 days, ending with a 15+ hour day. Then came the real test of GRIT to decide press on after with the comfort of their truck and motel tempted their battered bodies at the Wallace stop where the route crosses back. But they mustered up the resolve to press-on and completed and full route for a true test and accomplishment. Trip Report.
265 Trail Miles, 756 Total Miles
4 days, 10hours, 57min
#3P Jake Shivers

“Life was made for good friends and great adventures”
Team Dirt Surfers knows how to have a great time, while working together to accomplish the goal they were all prepared for. They completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 with a range of finishers status’s, but all won the reward of treasured memories and bonding comradery. The large group of 7 skilled and hard working riders overcame the lush, rugged trails of Northern Idaho, bike breakdowns (Rimlock repair Patent Pending), sidehill launches and a range of skill levels. They helped each other, but also split apart at times to scale the difficulty to each man’s limits.
272 Trail Miles, ~806 Total Miles, 5 days
#2P Greg Young

Greg Young of Team FUBAR (Fat, Ugly, Balding Aged Riders) blazed the Northern Loop route as the first finishers of GRIT#2. They literally had to blaze trail with 6 hours of handsaw trail clearing that will exhaust the hardiest pioneer over the first 3 days, ending with a 15+ hour day. Then came the real test of GRIT to decide press on after with the comfort of their truck and motel tempted their battered bodies at the Wallace stop where the route crosses back. But they mustered up the resolve to press-on and completed and full route for a true test and accomplishment. Trip Report.
265 Trail Miles, 756 Total Miles
4 days, 10hours, 57min
#4P Steve Schultz

“Life was made for good friends and great adventures”
Team Dirt Surfers knows how to have a great time, while working together to accomplish the goal they were all prepared for. They completed The Great R’Idaho Trail #2 with a range of finishers status’s, but all won the reward of treasured memories and bonding comradery. The large group of 7 skilled and hard working riders overcame the lush, rugged trails of Northern Idaho, bike breakdowns (Rimlock repair Patent Pending), sidehill launches and a range of skill levels. They helped each other, but also split apart at times to scale the difficulty to each man’s limits.
268 Trail Miles, ~806 Total Miles, 5 days
Ted Hayashida
Men and a Snowflake
9 days, 1523miles, 260mi trail
Andrew Keller

Team K2
Men and a Snowflake
9 days, 1523miles, 260mi trail
Jeremiah Kavanaugh

Team K2
Brent Yahn
Men and a Snowflake
9 days, 1523miles, 260mi trail
Team Fukowi

John Davis, Jamie Johnson, Dan Phipps, Kevin Dermetie and Kelly Spence.
Dave Wonderly
GRIT2+GRIT3 Combo Ride
Jon Csakany

GRIT2+GRIT3 Combo Ride