Post by Tony Leibelt:

I’m a FF/EMT that has a fair amount of experience with off-road motorcycle accidents. Some of those have been my own crashes but the last few years have had experience riding Desert 100 and 24 team race events as a medical rider. Put 3000 riders out on a course and stuff happens. The best start is training in First Aid/CPR. Even better is a Wilderness First Aid course such as…/Wilderness-First-Aid-WFA There are several vendors teaching this discipline. These classes are time consuming and expensive but teach more advanced skills with hands on for those of us that are in the wilderness. When discussing air transport services keep in mind that Life Flight is the service provider in one location but not in others. North Idaho is serviced by MEDSTAR. Do the research to determine if they have reciprocity agreement between service providers. Some do and some don’t. My worst life threatening concern is an injury that will keep me from getting on the bike and riding. I’ve seen riders get themselves out of a jam by riding with broken bones. I rode out of the desert with a broken lower leg many years ago. It’s NOT for everyone and I don’t recommend it but better than waiting for uncertain help to arrive. If you need to carry bandaids then you might consider staying home. This kit was developed by a smoke jumper and has many of the same things I carry. I add a roll of ace bandage and a few more 4×4 dressings and considering a good tourniquet. Buy good quality stuff, most of the department store bought import kits are crap. This is my opinion.