Training for the Ride

By Chris Groll

I would like to talk about the importance of training for endurance dirt bike riding.  We all understand the importance of getting our bike and gear ready for a long ride whether it is upgrading stock parts or adding and removing items on our bike.  However, we also need to address the physical preparation needed for the body to sustain a long ride.    This article is addressed to the average desk jockey who can’t spend every day at the gym.

Some key elements I feel are important are:

  1. Strength
  2. Endurance
  3. Balance
  4. Flexibility
  5. Healthy Body weight and body fat



Strength is a required element that allows you to lift, push, and pull and move your bike throughout your ride.  Although we strive for a light load on our bike and on our bodies, it can be a challenge if we don’t have the strength to lift our bike over a log or push through a ravine.  Strength can be the difference between leaving your bike in a ravine or getting it out and continuing your ride.  For this type of riding, strength and endurance is what we strive for.

A combination of free weights and machines is useful for this type of riding.  Free weights allows you to use your stability muscles and more practical strength training.  Machines allows you to lift more weight safely and isolate the muscle groups.

You can do a full body workout 2-3 times a week or a body split so that all muscle groups are engaged at least once a week.  A full body is our recommendation two-three times a week for the average joe who is working this into their busy schedule. There are 3 things to consider in strength training –

  1. Weight:  the weight moved in the exercise performed.  Your muscle should feel fatigued at the end of the set if your weight is heavy enough but still able to complete the exercise in good form.
  2. Reps: the number of repetitions you are able to perform of a specific exercise (ie – in a push up, down and up is considered one rep).  I would recommend 10-15 repetitions per set.


  1. Sets: Each group of repetitions is considered a set. I recommend 3 sets of each given exercise completed back to back with no more than 2 minute rest between.


When performing your strength exercise, it is recommended to work with a personal trainer to make sure you use form and technique to prevent injuries that will hold you back on the trail.  You can also watch videos on sites such as on proper form and technique.  Attached is a sample full body workout that is helpful in training.



This is the ability to perform a task for a long period of time.  I would recommend muscle and cardiovascular endurance.  Muscle endurance is gained when we work/ exercise our muscles for longer periods of time.  This can be achieved with interval workouts.  Cardiovascular endurance can be gained by running or swimming long distances.

If running long distance is not your thing, start small and work your way up.   You may also find a sport or activity that requires hard work for periods of up to an hour or two.  For example, I enjoy racquetball.  This allows me to get some cardio, reaction, and little friendly competition to distract me from my workout.  Others may enjoy working out with a partner or small group.  When you have endurance with your muscles and cardio you will find the ride more enjoyable.



Balance is the ability to keep the body steady and stable under different conditions.  For example, when you are flying down the trail and come around the corner and find a large set of rocks in the path, how you tackle this obstacle will be benefitted by improved balance.  Besides nobody wants to keep tipping their bike over.

Balance can be improved by using large stability/ exercise balls with your work out.  Most gyms will have or you can purchase a ball to train with.  There is also a Bosu (half ball on base).  Both if these can be used to stand or kneel on during your work out to improve your balance.  If you can’t find a ball, just stand on one foot.  If that is still too easy, close your eyes and keep the balance.  Yoga is another great way to improve balance and flexibility.  You can download short yoga apps on your smart phone, watch videos, or take a class.



Flexibility is the ability to move our body in positions “without” getting hurt.  When was the last time you touched your toes while keeping your legs straight?  Try standing and bending one  knee and lift your heel to your butt.

If these moves can be performed without difficulty, imagine what would happen if we have an accident on our bike.  We would pull muscles, strain ligaments, etc.  Have you ever noticed how little children are so flexible and they will fall, wreck, crash and then practically bounce back.

Two words that aren’t in men’s vocabulary. STRETCH and YOGA!!  You can do it.



A healthy body weight and body fat level is highly recommended.  I have been around several riders of bikes, snowmobiles, etc and they all try to swap out stock parts for light weight performance parts.  How about our body?  We need to think about our body and how we can go light with more efficiency.  I will not recommend a BMI level because they do not take into consideration many factors.  I will recommend a body fat percentage of lower then 20.  Being light weight is good. However, the majority of our body composition should be lean muscle mass.  This body fat percentage should be able to be determined by several methods.  The easiest is to go to your local gym and have it tested by a Fitness Consultant.  When weight loss is considered, don’t diet, don’t reduce muscle, don’t reduce water level, lose FAT!  Become a lean mean burning machine!



There are a million diets out there and many ways to lose weight.  My wife is a registered dietitian and certified health coach.  She has worked with the weight loss industry for over 20 years and recommends working with a registered dietitian (not just a nutritionist) to help set up an individualized plan to make sure you received the balance your body needs.  Without the proper balance, you may end up losing more lean muscle mass than fat.  A lifestyle approach rather that a diet is important.  Nothing is more frustrating than to lose weight and gain it right back.  Using tracking devices like My Fitness Pal is also helpful to make sure you are getting the calories you need and the right nutrients.  Eating every 3 hours with small portions of lean protein, vegetables, whole grain, fruit, healthy fats, and low fat dairy is important in fueling our machine.  We spend a lot of time making sure our machines have the right fuel but we need to make sure our bodies have the right fuel.  A health coach is very helpful in putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.  If you would like more info on how you can get your own health coach, visit

Name Date
Sets 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Leg Press Weight
Lat Pulldown Weight
Leg Extension Weight
Chest Press Weight
Seated Leg Curl Weight
Shoulder Press Weight
Arm Curl Weight
Arm Extension Weight